## version ## language ## codeset 0 ; version $VER: ExtraInfo.cd 1.0 (9.5.95) ; language english ; Catalog description file for ExtraInfo. ; Text between < and > is a comment. ; \33c is code for BGUI to centre lines in requester ;************************************************************************* ; General Program Strings ;************************************************************************* NOMEMMSG ;Not enough memory available! NOLIBMSG ;Couldn't open %s V%lu! ; <%s = libname> <%lu = libver> ; ;************************************************************************* ; Initialization Strings ; Unless otherwise noted, all these appear in requesters and are ; automatically formatted. ;************************************************************************* ARGERRMSG ;Error in command line arguments! ; NOEXICONMSG ;Couldn't access program icon to read tooltypes! BADBOOLTOOLMSG ;\33cInvalid value '%s'\nfor boolean tooltype '%s'.\nPlease specify a value of\nYES, NO, TRUE or FALSE. ; <%s = user's value> <%s = tooltypename> BADSTRTOOLMSG ;\33cInvalid value for string tooltype '%s'.\nPlease supply an unquoted value for this tooltype. ; <%s = tooltypename> BADINTTOOLMSG ;\33cInvalid value '%s'\nfor integer tooltype '%s'.\nPlease supply an integer value\nbetween %ld and %ld, inclusive. ; <%s = user's value> <%s = tooltypename> <%ld = min> <%ld = max> MUSTPOPUPMSG ;\33cAPPICON option not selected:\noption NOPOPUP ignored. NOFONTMSG ;\33cCouldn't open font '%s', size %ld! ; <%s = fontname> <%ld = fontsize> NOAPPICONIMAGEMSG ;\33cCouldn't locate icon\n'%s.info'\nfor use as AppIcon image! ; <%s = appicon filename> NOADDAPPICONMSG ;Couldn't create AppIcon! NOWINOBJMSG ;Couldn't create window object! NOOPENWINMSG ;Couldn't open the window! ;************************************************************************* ; Requester Title & Gadget Strings ;************************************************************************* INFORMTITLEMSG ;Message from ExtraInfo INFORMOKAYMSG ;_Okay SHOWINFOTITLEMSG ;Show Info For? PICKTOOLTITLEMSG ;Select Default Tool QUITBODYMSG ;Do you want ExtraInfo to quit? QUITGADMSG ;_Yes|_No DROPICONBODYMSG ;Use new icon image? DROPICONGADMSG ;_Yes|_No NEWOBJBODYMSG ;Load new object? NEWOBJGADMSG ;_Yes|_No ;************************************************************************* ; General Runtime Strings ; Unless otherwise noted, all these appear in requesters and are ; automatically formatted. ;************************************************************************* NOEXAMINEMSG ;\33cCouldn't examine object\n'%s'!\nDOS Error: %s ; <%s = objectname, %s = dos error msg> NOGETICONMSG ;\33cCouldn't find an icon for\n'%s'! ; <%s = objectname> BADWBOBJMSG ;\33cUnrecognized or unsupported\nWorkbench object type:\n'%s'! ; <%s = objectname> WBDISKMSG ;Volume ; WBDRAWERMSG ;Drawer WBTOOLMSG ;Tool WBPROJECTMSG ;Project WBGARBAGEMSG ;Trashcan ISDEFAULTMSG ;(Default) ; JUSTICONMSG ;(No File) ; LONGPATHMSG ;\33cFull pathname of\n'%s'\nis too long! ; <%s = objectname> NOGETPATHMSG ;\33cCouldn't get full pathname of object!\nDOS Error: %s ; <%s = dos error msg> INVALIDDATEMSG ;(Invalid Date) VERSIONOFFMSG ;(Undetermined) FILETYPEOFFMSG ;(Undetermined) NOVERSIONMSG ;(Not Found) NOTAPPVERSIONMSG ;(Not Applicable) NOFILETYPEMSG ;(Unknown) NOWHATISTYPEMSG ;(Not Available) FILEOWNERMSG FILEGROUPMSG FILEOTHERMSG NOICONBYTESMSG ;(Unknown) ICONHCOMPMSG ;Complement ; ICONHBACKMSG ;Backfill ICONHIMAGEMSG ;Alt.Image NOICONPOSMSG ;None READONLYMSG ;Read Only ; VALIDATINGMSG ;Validating READWRITEMSG ;Read/Write UNKNOWNSTATEMSG ;Unknown NOVOLDEVMSG ;Unknown NOSETPROTMSG ;\33cCouldn't set protection flags for\n'%s'! ; <%s = pathname> NOSETNOTEMSG ;\33cCouldn't set comment for\n'%s'! ; <%s = pathname> NOPUTDISKOBJMSG ;\33cCouldn't save icon for\n'%s'! ; <%s = pathname> NOTHINGTOCLIPMSG ;Nothing to cut or copy to clipboard! NOTHINGTOPASTEMSG ;No text in clipboard! NOOPENCLIPMSG ;Couldn't open clipboard! NOREADCLIPMSG ;Couldn't read from clipboard! NOWRITECLIPMSG ;Couldn't write to clipboard! NOTFTXTCLIPMSG ;Clipboard does not contain a valid IFF FTXT file! CLIPERRORMSG ;Unexpected clipboard error (%ld)! ; <%ld = errornum> NOGUIDEMSG ;\33cCouldn't find AmigaGuide database\n'%s'! ; <%s = guidename> ;************************************************************************* ; Main Window Gadget Labels and Keys ; As usual, place underscore '_' before shortcut key in label, set ; xxxKEY to that single shortcut character. Do not use any shifted ; characters, as Shift in BGUI cancels gadget activation. ;************************************************************************* TOOLPAGEMSG ;Tooltypes ; FILEPAGEMSG ;File Info VOLPAGEMSG ;Volume Info ICONPAGEMSG ;Icon Info MAINSAVELAB ;_Save ; MAINSAVEKEY MAINWRITELAB ;_Write MAINWRITEKEY MAINCLOSELAB ;Cl_ose ; MAINCLOSEKEY MAINQUITLAB ;_Quit ; MAINQUITKEY ;------------------- ; Tooltypes Page ;------------------- ; Gadgets on different pages may have ; same key, but not the same key as ; Save, Write, Close & Quit as they ; are on all pages. TOOLEDITLAB ;_Edit ; TOOLEDITKEY TOOLTOPLAB ;_Top ; TOOLTOPKEY TOOLUPLAB ; TOOLUPKEY TOOLDOWNLAB ;_Down ; TOOLDOWNKEY TOOLBOTTOMLAB ;_Bottom ; TOOLBOTTOMKEY TOOLINSERTLAB ;_Insert ; TOOLINSERTKEY TOOLTOGGLELAB ;To_ggle ; TOOLTOGGLEKEY TOOLDUPLAB ;Du_p ; TOOLDUPKEY TOOLREMOVELAB ;_Remove ; TOOLREMOVEKEY TOOLCUTLAB ;Cut _x ; TOOLCUTKEY TOOLCOPYLAB ;_Copy ; TOOLCOPYKEY TOOLALLLAB ;<-_All-> ;